These two images on the left are social media posts that I made during my time at Ohio Car Wash Holdings. They were used on Instagram and Facebook to help promote the car wash and a promotion that the company was running. The image on the right was made during my time at Dynamic Sports Group. It was made to celebrate the resigning of Boston Scott to the Philadelphia Eagles.
These are some mockups that were made for a fake company named Twin Flames. The top image is for a matchbox and the bottom image is for a shipping box. The two flames are the mascots for this company. Made in 2023.
These are my favorite jerseys that I designed while working at Empire Sportswear. I custom made the logos for all of these and was able to capture exactly what the customers wanted. The jersey in the middle was made for an ultimate frisbee team, while the other two were for flag football teams.
The left image was made in 2024 and utilizes the rubber hose art style that I love. I experimented with gradients and textures to give it some more depth. The image on the right is a mockup for an energy drink called cosmic energy, it also utilizes the rubber hose art style.